We are proud to present you a variety of options to personalize your service and make this day, one to remember for years to come.
The following is a description of a typical Sunday afternoon Bat Mitzvah service, which is approximately one hour:
Welcome and Opening remarks by Rabbi Dovid
Parents’ Greeting
Parents give the Yivarechicha blessing
Introduction to Psalms
Bat Mitzvah Prayer: Psalms 13
Bat Mitzvah Girls’s speech
Candle Lighting Ceremony
Closing Remarks by Rabbi Dovid
Candy Throw
L’chaim – Bat Mitzvah Girl makes the blessing on the wine, fruit, cake etc
Points to keep in mind:
The Bat Mitzvah girl should be after her 12th birthday (according to Jewish calendar) on day of her Bat Mitzvah celebration.
Dress code: At the ceremony the Bat Mitzvah girl and ladies in her family should be modestly dressed. This includes covering the shoulders and a knee-length skirt.
Men and boys should be dressed in long dress pants. Kipas will be provided for them.
The F.R.E.E. of Brighton Beach Synagogue is located at 2915 Brighton 6th Avenue and is available to use for free. A donation to the synagogue by the family is appreciated.
Food and supplies (wine, grape juice, drinks, fruit and pastry platters, candies, candles and paper goods) will be purchased by the synagogue and paid for by the family. Total cost will be calculated by number of guests.
For custom arrangements such as a sit-down meal, a birthday cake, or extra decorations or liquor, please contact Rabbi Dovid at 917-754-6942.
We hope you found this information helpful in your planning!