Name of Group: M-Generation Boys Choir
Style: Jewish modern
Art Director: Mr. Baruch Rukiter 
Director and Producer: Rabbi H. Okonov, F.R.E.E. Organization

M-Generation is a project of Friends of Refugees of Eastern Europe, a Chabad organization servicing the Russian-Jewish community for over 35 years.

M* Generation performs at Concerts, Dinners, Community Events, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Weddings and more. 

M-Generation is made up of 12 boys between the ages of 5 and 12. They sing songs in English, Russian, Hebrew and Yiddish. Most songs are original compositions by Mr. Rukiter.

The group won 1st place at the 2003 International Chanukiah  Awards in Germany, featuring Jewish performers from over  17 countries. And has since performed nationally and internationally in places like: Canada Dominican Republic, New York, New Jersey and much more

The ‘M’ in the name ‘M Generation’ = Moshiach’s Generation 

To bring an M-Generation concert to your community, 
call: F.R.E.E. 718-368-4490 Rabbi Hershel Okonov 1646-436-2186 
or send email to: